Inaugural Publishing Grants Announced

The Decorative Arts Trust is thrilled to announce the four recipients of the inaugural round of Publishing Grant funding. The Hispanic Society Museum and Library; The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens; and the Philadelphia Museum of Art received...

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Pre-Raphaelite Women Artists and Textiles

by Isabella Galdone   Thanks to a Decorative Arts Trust Research Grant, I conducted object-based research for a PhD dissertation project juxtaposing the work of women Pre-Raphaelites and their associates with contemporary textiles made, altered, or manipulated by...

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2024 Research Grant Recipients

After celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Research Grants program in 2023, the Decorative Arts Trust was able to increase the range of grant amounts from $1,000 up to $2,000 and the total budget from $15,000 to $20,000 in 2024. The Trust congratulates these 14...

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Calabrian Silk: Tradition and Tenacity

by Tracy Meserve    A Decorative Arts Trust Research Grant supported my travels from Palermo, Sicily, to the Cantanzaro region of Calabria in order to research the history of silk in the region. Calabria’s role in the history of silk in Italy has been underrepresented...

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About The Decorative Arts Trust Bulletin

Formerly known as the "blog,” the Bulletin features new research and scholarship, travelogues, book reviews, and museum and gallery exhibitions. The Bulletin complements The Magazine of the Decorative Arts Trust, our biannual members publication.


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