by The Trust | Mar 1, 2022
Designing Motherhood: A Visceral Design Guide to the Material Culture of Reproduction by Kate Burnett Budzyn Pregnancy pillows, exam stirrups, nursing bras, pantyliners: the stuff of design? In their new book—based on a years-long multiplatform project in partnership...
by The Trust | Dec 8, 2021
Black Designers in American Fashion: Making Space for Dress History Across Disciplines by Kate Burnett Budzyn Black Designers in American Fashion is, simply put, one of the most important recent publications in historic dress scholarship. Released this past summer...
by The Trust | Nov 22, 2021
The Stories They Tell…from the Herdeg Collection by Matthew A. Thurlow With the caveat that I housesat for Judy and John Herdeg as a graduate student and enjoyed their hospitality on numerous occasions during my academic and professional careers, their recent...
by The Trust | Sep 10, 2021
Bodily Things: Three Recent Books Underscore the Centrality of Bodies in Material Studies by Kate Burnett Budzyn It is a fact “so obvious that some of us take it for granted,” writes the historian and anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot: “History begins with bodies...
by The Trust | May 14, 2021
Building a History of Early American Jewish Women from Objects: Laura Arnold Leibman’s ‘The Art of the Jewish Family’ by Kate Burnett BudzynLaura Arnold Leibman’s The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Women in Early New York in Five Objects, published...
by The Trust | Apr 28, 2021
Into the Bluegrass: Mel Hankla on the Art and Artistry of Kentucky’s Historic Icons by Taryn Clary The stories presented within Mel Hankla’s book Into the Bluegrass: Art and Artistry of Kentucky’s Historic Icons are the product of more than 35 years of dedicated...
by The Trust | Mar 17, 2021
Moira Gallagher and Medill Higgins Harvey on Edward C. Moore, Tiffany & Co., and The Metropolitan Museum of Art For our March Virtual Dialogue, the Trust had the pleasure of featuring an inspiring young curator, Moira Gallagher, Research Associate for American...
by The Trust | Jan 29, 2021
A Material Culture Mystery: Cybèle Gontar on ‘Chasing the Butterfly Man’ by Taryn Clary Who was the Butterfly Man? The anonymous cabinetmaker worked in New Orleans, LA, in the first quarter of the 19th century, a moment of great change and population growth following...