by The Trust | Sep 3, 2020
“Worth All the Cabinets and Museums Put Together in the United States” by Katharine Fitzgerald, Curatorial Fellow, The Trustees of Reservations What do a sea cucumber, a six-foot scale model of the U.S.S. Constitution, a taxidermy penguin, and a sign painted by a...
by The Trust | Apr 6, 2020
Travel Without Traveling: Books That Take You Away While the Decorative Arts Trust’s travel plans are on hold for the spring, our members can still capture the adventure of journeying to new and exciting locations. Try picking up these captivating books to take you...
by The Trust | Sep 24, 2014
Books Recommended by the Trust A Pick From The Executive Director: Start with a House, Finish with a Collection by Leslie Anne Miller with Alexandra Kirtley may have too much physical heft for an ideal getaway read, but the content is well worth the weight. For those...