Summer Research Grants in High Demand


The Trust received upwards of thirty requests for summer research funding in 2016 from graduate students working on thesis and dissertation topics that span the globe. Thanks to the generous funding of the Emerging Scholars Program through our members, the C.K. Williams Foundation, and the Marie and John Zimmermann Fund, we were able to award eight grants.

Daniel Ackermann, PhD, Art History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Daniel’s dissertation places Kentucky as a region of cultural confluence between the Atlantic coastal states and the former French and Spanish possessions of the Mississippi river and Gulf regions. He is conducting field research in Kentucky to identify objects and archival sources.

Lindsay Dupertuis, PhD, Art History and Archaeology, University of Maryland, College Park

Lindsay is building a database of images of the 1535 Anne de Montmorency service of istoriato maiolica at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Metropolitan Museum as part of her dissertation on the distribution and use of early prints in European ceramics.

Emelie Gevalt, Master’s, Winterthur Program in American Material Culture

Emelie’s project reconsiders the construction, decoration, history, and domestic use of Taunton chests, conducting the first major field survey of known examples since 1933 by traveling to ten institutions on the East Coast and in the Midwest to examine the objects in person.

Annemarie Glasscock, PhD, Art History, University of Wisconsin

Annemarie is researching craftsman and designer Hudson Roysher’s ecclesiastical silver. She will be traveling to Cleveland to study holdings of Roysher’s work in museums and churches.

Sarah Grandin, PhD, History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University

Sarah’s dissertation focuses on the role craftsmen, artisans, and architects played  in creating the propaganda identity of the “Sun King” Louis XIV at the Court of Versailles. She will travel to the surviving workshops for Savonnerie carpets and Alençon lace to learn how these luxury goods are made.

Sarah Mills, PhD, Art History, City University of New York

Sarah Mills is investigating American weaver and textile designer Dorothy Leibes development of metallic lurex textiles for the Dobeckmun Company. She will visit the Smithsonian Institute of American Art Archives to see original fabric samples and the effect of these metallic fibers on Leibes’ weaving technique.

Lisa Minardi, PhD, History of American Civilization, University of Delaware

Lisa’s dissertation examines the material life of the Philadelphia’s German-speaking population in the 18th century. She will be traveling to explore undigitized archives throughout the Philadelphia area.

Alexandra Ward, Master’s, Winterthur Program in American Material Culture, University of Delaware

Alexandra’s thesis contextualizes cowrie shell snuffboxes as exotic objects within the British Empire. She will travel to the Cooper Hewitt and Mount Holyoke’s College Art Museum to examine their holdings.



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