Moira Gallagher and Medill Higgins Harvey on Edward C. Moore at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Virtual Dialogue

March 9, 2021, 6:00 pm ET

On Tuesday, March 9, at 6:00 pm ET the Decorative Arts Trust will share a virtual lecture presented by Moira Gallagher, Research Associate for American Decorative Arts in the American Wing at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Moira will share her contributions to the forthcoming publication Collecting Inspiration: Edward C. Moore at Tiffany & Co., which explores the career and artistic legacy of Edward C. Moore, who served as the design director for Tiffany & Co.’s silver manufacturing division throughout the second half of the 19th century. Moore assembled an impressive collection of decorative arts from across the globe and used these works to educate and inspire the craftsmen at Tiffany & Co.

The project contextualizes the silver produced under Moore’s direction and reveals how his creative vision guided the firm to unparalleled success and unprecedented innovation. After her presentation, Moira will be joined in conversation with Medill Higgins Harvey, Associate Curator of American Decorative Arts and Manager of the Henry R. Luce Center in the American Wing at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Medill served as the editor of the book and lead curator of the project. The program will close with a Q&A where Moira and Medill will be available to answer questions live.

The Decorative Arts Trust hosts monthly virtual dialogues that feature emerging scholars sharing and discussing their exciting new research with a mentor in the field. The hour-long Zoom program includes a lecture, scholar-to-scholar conversation, and Q&A with the program participants.

Registration Fee: Pay What You Can


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