Trust Creates New Prize to Support Major Projects in the Arts

In furtherance of the Decorative Arts Trust’s mission to promote and foster the appreciation and study of the arts, the Trust has established a Prize for Excellence and Innovation to be awarded annually beginning in 2020. The inaugural prize will be for $100,000. The winning project will be selected based on excellence and innovation in advancing the public’s appreciation of decorative arts, fine arts, architecture, or landscape design.

The Trust’s Executive Director Matthew A. Thurlow believes “this new award will advance the work of our talented mid- and late-career colleagues as a complement to our efforts to support young scholars through the Emerging Scholars Program. Thanks to the generosity of three lead donors, we are making a long-term commitment to furthering innovative scholarship in the arts while reinforcing the Trust’s mission and promoting our broader programs. We look forward to celebrating exceptional endeavors in the arts.”

The prize may be awarded to any scholarly endeavor undertaken by a non-profit organization, such as museum exhibitions, print and digital publications, and online databases. For the selection process, nominees will submit a narrative stipulating the defined mission and outcomes of the project as well as a budget, project timeline, and list of key personnel and partners, if applicable. For consideration, projects can extend 1–5 years for final completion after the prize is awarded, but no longer. Collaborative endeavors that unite multiple institutions will also receive consideration.

The Trust has established a committee to review submissions, and members will be asked to assess the projects’ objectives, expected achievements, and lasting influence. The committee aims to select impactful and original projects that advance the field while reaching a broad audience.

Nominations and self-nominations are welcome until March 31, 2020. Additional details can be found at Finalists will be notified by June 1, and the committee plans to announce the inaugural recipient on September 1. A fall celebration is planned to recognize the honoree.

The Trust is seeking additional financial support to endow the Prize and welcomes contributions, including appreciated securities and IRA and other retirement fund disbursements.

A print version of this article was published in The Magazine of the Decorative Arts Trust, one of our most popular member benefits. Join today!



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