The Decorative Arts Trust 40th Anniversary Gala

The Decorative Arts Trust 40th Anniversary Gala

Wadsworth Atheneum
600 Main Street
Hartford, CT, 06103

Thursday, September 14, 2017, 6 P.M.

Founded in 1977, the Decorative Arts Trust has spent the past 40 years dedicated to fulfilling its original mission “to stimulate appreciation of American decorative arts and to support scholarship related to the study thereof.” Through domestic and international programs, we have introduced our members to noteworthy objects, houses, and heritage across the United States and Europe. From Los Angeles to St. Petersburg, we have experienced history near and far. This educational and enjoyable exploration has created an endearing sense of community among our membership.

The encouragement of aspiring curators and historians has remained a focus of the Trust’s mission for four decades. These efforts have culminated in a robust Emerging Scholars Program of continuing education scholarships, lectures, research grants, and curatorial internships. In 2016, thanks to the generosity of our many donors, 40 graduate students and young professionals benefited from the Trust’s assistance. A fitting number for our anniversary, but a figure we aim to grow in the years to come.

The Trust would not have the pleasure of celebrating a 40th Anniversary without the leadership of a dedicated Board of Governors and the generous support of our members. We thank Governors and members past and present for creating this opportunity.

The Board of Governors Cordially Invites You to The Decorative Arts Trust’s 40th Anniversary Celebration!



Opening Remarks
Aetna Theater

  • 40 Years of Discovery in New England
    Jonathan L. Fairbanks, Honorary Chairman and Past President; Director, Fuller Craft Museum
  • From the Back of Dewey Lee Curtis’ Envelope: 40 Years with the Decorative Arts Trust
    Penny McCaskill Hunt, Past Executive Director, and John Frazier Hunt, Past President and Counsel


40th Anniversary Celebration
Morgan Great Hall


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